I’m Todd Pride and in 2008 I founded the Mid Atlantic Youth Anglers & Outdoors Partners organization in Philadelphia, PA in memory of my brother, Tyler, who had passed that year from a long battle with depression. Tyler and I lost our Mother while in college, and stuck together to keep our Dad, Ted, “Doc Pride,” a community dentist and a decorated veteran, going. While everybody faces adversity, luckily, everybody has nature to turn to when they need it.
The Why
The How
Growing up, my Dad and I taught my younger brother Tyler to hunt and fish and to understand wildlife and their ecosystems. Each year we spent time at our family farm in Upstate NY and as young adults were invited to become a member of the Cambridge Gun and Rod Club in Maine, a place where W.E.B. Du Bois and other African-American men went for respite.
I know the power of nature and outdoors recreation has had in my life and it is what I’ve devoted my time and career to, for the lives of others having led the training and introduction of over 15,000 youth and adults into these nature opportunities. Before 2008, I worked for IBM for many years, then led a number of small companies and then the invitation to lead a national community investment organization for the late Reverend Leon Sullivan, the National Self-Help Investment Plan, which built from his work with the Corporate Social Responsibility Investment Fund.
Legacy's teams of trainers and volunteers are not unlike the many teams I’ve had the opportunity to work with in the corporate world and community organizations: bright, diverse, and committed to stewarding their passion for the outdoors. Now as Legacy Land & Water Partners, we are also working to conserve land that is in places that are accessible to many and that have historical meaning with the Underground Railroad.
Your experience is waiting for you, we’re here to get you started. Join us on a journey by signing up for an Nature Experience, sponsoring a Nature Experience for others, or donating dollars or resources that will be used for our outdoor training and conservation education and cultural land preservation.
Support from individuals and organizations through donations and partnerships helps us charge the lowest fees to bring the outdoors into people's lives, students' classrooms, and more.
Thank you to our funders:
Campbell Foundation
Delaware River Waterfront
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
Riverfront North
William Penn Foundation
We're always looking for new and exciting opportunities to develop more conservation and wildlife stewards. Let's connect.